Wednesday 28 March 2018

Section 2 c) Key Words

Displacement reaction: A reaction in which a less reactive molecule is replaced with a more reactive molecule.

Dissociation: the splitting of a molecule into smaller molecules, atoms, or ions, especially by a reversible process

Group 7: The seventh group of the periodic table. Elements in this group have 7 valence electrons and are known as halogens. They share similar properties due to their similar electronic configurations.

Halogen: A group 7 element. Examples include chlorine and bromine.

Non-polar: A substance in which the electrons are shared equally between the nuclei, resulting in an even distribution of charge.

Oxidation: Loss of electrons

Polar: A substance in which the molecules are arranged so one end has a positive charge and on has a negative charge.

Reactivity series: The order of reactivity

Redox Reaction: A reaction in which electron(s) are transferred from one molecule to another. The molecule losing an electron is oxidised, and the one gaining is reduced.

Reduction: Gain of electrons

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